Flat Rate Office / IT Services

We offer two different tiers of service depending on your company’s needs. Our “Just Fix-It” plan gives you 8 hours a month usable for any of our routine IT services. This includes creating backups, minor bug fixes, Linux server or plugin updates, database profiling (monitoring), content management (including on the web and across social media), SEO, and so on. Our “Remote IT Department” plan grants you 24 hours a month to use however we’re needed, access to our staff seven days a week, and same day response times.
Our plans are designed to give you the power of having an entire IT department without the hassle of hiring several full-time staff. Learn more about all the services we’ve crammed into these plans below!

IT Maintenance

We routinely make sure that your network is reliably up and running smoothly. This includes managing configurations, network security, and connectivity issues. Our team handles and can resolve any performance issues we find to keep you up and running.

Problem Troubleshooting and Repairs

If any issues with your company’s software are found, we will start by troubleshooting the problem and one of our team will report back once the problem has been identified. Often, it’s a simple quick fix that can be resolved that same day. For more complicated issues, we will reach out and always give you your options along with our suggestions.


Naturally, we want your website or app to be one of the first things that pop up when people search for your industry. Having good SEO brings in more traffic and ensures that more eyes run across you based on the keywords typed in searches. Knowing and analyzing which keywords lead to better results is vital to your success.

Platform Marketing Service

Our team has years of experience getting products listed and advertised on all major platforms such as Amazon. Sometimes it can be a headache to add new products, make changes to listed items, add variations, or if you’re just starting out, trying to set up a seller’s account. We’ve got you covered.
We can handle all of this and can go through the process of speaking with them to ensure that everything is moving smoothly.

Web & Server Maintenance + Backups

We can build solutions to make automatic cloud backups at daily or even hourly intervals depending on your business’s individual needs.

Server Migrations & Domain Changes

We can build solutions to make automatic cloud backups at daily or even hourly intervals depending on your business’s individual needs.

Content Creation and Management

We want to get your message out there. Our team can coordinate with you to write meaningful content for your website including newsletters, site messages, page content, articles, and more. We can edit and proofread through content before publishing it to ensure that what goes out there is of the highest quality.

 Custom API Integrations

If you have a website or app that needs to be able to communicate with 3rd party services, we’ve got you covered. We can write custom software to link all these services together to create a streamlined ecosystem, saving you tons of time and limiting errors caused by having to manually copy things from piece of software to another. If you’re using a commonly used platform like WordPress or Joomla, you may have searched for a plugin but came up empty. Maybe you purchased a plugin that isn’t quite working the way you’d hoped. By building something more custom, you can ensure that it does exactly what you need it to! Furthermore, once we build it, it’s yours! You won’t have to worry about random updates that change how it works or who it will work with. In any case, we can get your custom API integrated and work seamlessly with all your systems saving you countless time and headaches.

WordPress Plugin Development

As stated above, we will build a plugin that fits exactly what your business needs without additional features that may lead to site slowdown which is common for many generic options. We ensure that it will work with all your existing plugins and best of all; you own it! No yearly or monthly fees to use it or unlock vital features.

Business Ecosystem Integration

Sometimes a simple solution can save you and your business hours of work. We can build custom tie-ins for all sorts of services from integrating your calendar, your billing software, your booking accounts, email systems, and much more. Building software that can communicate between systems streamlines your workflow leading to you and the rest of your company getting more done with less chances for errors.

 White Label Service

You take the credit for our work! With our white-label program, we will work closely with both you and your client to build new or improve existing websites and mobile apps where we do the work, but your name will be on the product. We have 10+ years experience helping small businesses expand their service capabilities so you never have turn another client away. We operate under strict NDA/CDA legal guidelines and split the value of the job. Schedule a meeting to discuss your project and see how we can help.

White Label (Per Diem)

The first option for using us is our single project rate which is exactly as it is described above. We’ll do the heavy lifting with strict CDA/NDA professionalism meaning that we will not speak to or about the work we do with your company, nor will we ever contact your clients directly unless otherwise instructed to.

White Label (Ongoing)

We love making long-term agreements with companies who keep feeding us new projects. We love it so much that we give special discounts for repeat business! Reach out to us to learn more about how much you can save by working with us.

 Emergency IT Services

Life happens when we least expect it, and your company is no different. Our team is available seven days a week in case of emergencies from your server going offline, getting locked out of your accounts, or your database isn’t writing or retrieving data correctly, all the way to emergency backup deployment or cybersecurity matters where every minute counts. Nothing is as frustrating as when things stop working all of a sudden. We try our best to get you back up and running as soon as possible with limited downtime.

Account / Website Recovery Service

Our team will go in and locate any issues and will do whatever is necessary to ensure that you regain access to your accounts. We understand the frustration of either being locked out, losing access to your password manager, or the numerous other struggles that can cause lockouts. One way or another, we will get you back in so you can get back to doing what you do best.

Cyber Security Service

We wish we lived in a safer world, but unfortunately, sometimes the worst happens, and you become the target of malicious actors online. In these cases, our team will spring into action to first assess the situation, troubleshoot and find the root cause and remove any malware we find, ensure all systems are clear of danger and ensure that an attack like that couldn’t happen again, deploy a backup of your company’s data (if needed), and once we know everything is safe, get you back up and running.

Server Outage Recovery

If your server ever goes offline for whatever reason, we can work with you to get it back up and running as soon as possible. Our team will go in and find exactly what happened and why. We will contact the hosting company if needed and work with them to find a solution to get you back up and running as soon as possible.

Emergency Bug Fixes

Lastly, when we least expect it, bugs make themselves known out of nowhere. We know the chaos bugs can cause from invoices displaying the incorrect amounts, page elements not loading correctly, entire pages of your website not loading, or your app crashing all together. We understand that these are real emergencies that can bring business to a halt. In these instances, we try and find the bugs and patch them as soon as possible, and most often, the same day.

 Rapid Prototyping

Getting a new business idea or a new application to market can be tremendously expensive, from the cost of hiring graphic designers, an IT staff, programming and development, QA, marketing, and more. We can simplify this process by using full-stack developers who can get your product to market quickly and for a fraction of the cost. In most instances, we can take your ideas from paper to testing its economic viability in a few weeks to months rather than years. “We have decades of experience in turning ideas into apps!” If you own a small business or start-up and are looking to get your company up and running, we want to hear from you!

Basic Website or App (Starter Idea)

For more basic websites or mobile apps, generally less than $10,000, we will block off some time and work exclusively on your project. For new websites or apps, we typically are able to deliver a proof of concept within 2 weeks from our start date which will show you the basic functionality and features you requested. For existing websites and apps, we generally are finished repurposing and building the new functionality for you to review.

Feature Rich Website or App (Big Ideas)

These types of projects will take multiple phases of deliverables and reviews to complete. Most projects of this size, costing $10,000 to $25,000, can be published in 1-3 months. This includes proof of concept work, early prototyping, testing, and rolling it out onto the web, Google Play, or the Apple App Store.

Le Grande Idea

For projects that would cost more than $25,000, we ask that you contact us to see what arrangements we can make and how we can make your dream come to life!


Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your strategy, we can help.
We understand that every business is unique and will work with you to come up with a custom-tailored solution that will fit your specific needs and goals. We can help you come up with a strategy to ensure that both your company and the products and services you offer are sustainable and allow you to grow.

Business Consulting

We do this by looking at all facets of your business to find where you may be overspending, and how you can better utilize your company’s time and resources. We also try to identify any pain-points that may cause pressure on your day-to-day operations to ensure that everything possible is streamlined and as seamless as possible. Because sometimes the difference between just working a job and doing what you love is how smoothly it operates.

Product Consulting

We handle product consulting first by doing our research on the best strategies to get your products into the hands of your customers. We help get all the marketing materials together and help with any design work you might need. We’ll work with you from the planning stage all the way through launch, and beyond!

Patent Research & Filing Assistance

We understand that your innovations are the lifeblood of your business. Whether you’re just starting up or an established enterprise, securing a patent can be a complex and daunting process. Our team knows the process and has dealt with the rigors of handling both the research phase and the legal filing process. We’ll work with you to ensure that not only is your patent eventually accepted but offer any additional IP protection and management you may need going forward.